Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mountain Man Competition, May 6-7, 2016

The Varsity Teams from the Lake Holm Ward and the Mill Pond Ward combined as the Lake Pond Waterboys to tear through the Mountain Man Competition at Camp Parsons.  We didn’t really expect to win anything, but we ended up taking 2nd place overall.  It was a pretty amazing weekend in many ways.

The weather was beautiful - high temps in the 70s and no clouds.

Our camp site was the best one in Camp Parsons - Dungeness - which is at the top of a bluff looking over the bay.  We saw dozens of bald eagles flying by when we were both on our lunch breaks.  Windows in the leaders’ cabin look out at the water.  

Our two groups of Young Men became one, meeting the definition of “men” provided by Lehi in 2 Nephi 1:21.  They all now have additional friends to help them through the high school mine fields they all must traverse for the next few years.  They are even talking about combining for our June campout.

Our most serious injuries could be treated with adhesive bandages, even though the YM were throwing themselves into some very physical challenges with great enthusiasm.  And they were throwing sharp objects with even greater enthusiasm.

I never heard one word even approaching the naughty list, from our group or anyone else in camp.

The YM worked together amazingly well, especially considering that they have only recently started getting to know one another.  Each event required teamwork, and the YM cooperated to develop excellent strategies for the events that needed them, and they implemented their strategies perfectly.

The only bad thing is that the event is only open to 14-15-year-old YM (including 15 on Jan 1), so next year most of these guys will be too old.  Fortunately for me, I am not getting older, so I will be back again next year.
Evening practice, on wood they rescued from the ocean

The view from my bunk. The camera focused on the scratches on the window, but a human should look beyond that.

Breakfast of champions

Brotherly kindness - applying sunscreen

More last-minute practice

Our knife collection

Sawing logs while wide awake

Our plan was to do this event early, while the saw was at its sharpest

The first event of the day is assigned, and this was ours:) Our time was best for most of the day, and we finished in 2nd place

Shelter building, starting with a cooperative hollow tree

Construction is complete, and 5 guys are inside

Exiting. Our score was best most of the day, and we finished second.

Bungee climb. YM is attached to tree by extra strength bungee cord. How far can he go?  Bucket marks the spot. Teammates stand ready to grab the cord to prevent YM from flying backwards to tree.

Jonathan sets the longest mark of the day early on, at 82.1 feet. A couple of others went farther.

Rowboat race, with everybody in the boat.

Another strategic move - do this one while the tide is out, since running is faster than rowing.

Around the buoy and back.

Foot injury alert!

And back up to the top. We were in first place for a while.

One man canoe race.

Under the pier and back
Clock stops when 5th guy is back

Tanner leads the way.  We were in first place for a while.

Getting psyched up for the mile race

Clock stops when 5th guy is back.

Seth leads the way at 7:50. Team time was 9:08

Lunch break

Dozens of eagles flew by, some only 50 feet away

Black powder rifle shooting, looking north

Looking south

Looking south at the rest of our group

Stacking firewood competition

Move large stack of large wood from one side of the road

to the other

3:18 minus 1 minute for stacking it neatly = 2:18. Best time for a team of 7.

Obstacle course. We came up with a genius strategy and worked it to perfection. Part 1.  All aboard! 

Part 2. 5 guys over the rope

Part 3.  Preparing to move large log from A to B without touching it

Almost there

Part 4. Everybody under the table and through the tire tube

Part 5.  Carry tire back to its starting place.  We SMOKED this! Previous record was 3:15.  Our time - 2:11

The survivors (two left before the awards ceremony)
Jonathan makes it look easy
Practice makes perfect
2 out of 3 ain't bad, and Seth got one in the next round

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