Sunday, November 15, 2015

Rain Hike
Yesterday was our annual Rain Hike, and the weather cooperated magnificently.  Our objective was the Gnome Village at Federation Forest State Park.  After wading through much tribulation, we finally arrived at the Village only to find the Gnome population decimated.  Last year there were over 100 gnomes, Smurfs, Barbies, and other life forms inhabiting a large section of the trail, but this year there only about a dozen survivors huddled together in a small fortification.
This may well have been my last adventure with 11-year-old Scouts, since today I was released from working with them and will be enjoying future adventures with our ward's excellent Varsity Scouts.  I am very sad about the former, but excited about the latter.

The south end of a north-bound (horizontal) tree

A fitting reward for a difficult adventure.

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