Sunday, March 25, 2012

Annette Lake Attempt, February 2012

Plan A was to hike Little Si, but an airplane crashed into the mountain on Wednesday and the trail was closed.  Plan B was Mason Lake, but the hike is largely unprotected from wind and weather.  Plan C was Annette Lake, since most of it is under forest canopy.  Snow prevented us from getting to the trailhead, and leaders had not warned the boys to expect a foot of snow, so we were inadequately prepared.  After getting the Halversen's van unstuck, we hiked to the trailhead and a little ways beyond, before returning to civilization.  In spite of the adverse conditions, a good time was had by all.

Knowing that I was going to be released the next day, I gave a farewell address disguised as an Extended Scoutmaster's Minute.  I have now moved on to bigger boys, so will see many of these guys again when they turn 12.  Happy trails to you all.
Ready to go.
Temporarily unable to achieve forward progress.

The road back to the freeway

On the nature trail

What happens when you whack a snow-covered tree with a stick (with the consent of the boys - it didn't actually get them, since they were under the canopy and the snow just came down on the outside.)
 Lunch break

Back to the van

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