Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Klondike Derby - January 13-14, 2012

Waiting in line for the competition to start
We spent the night in a heated cabin and got up early so we could get a good spot. We were pleasantly surprised to be the first in line.
First Aid Competition
Some scouts made a stretcher and others set splints and bandages

Our boys did really well. You could tell they had been practicing first aid in our scout meetings.
Make a Fire and Fry an Egg Competition

First part of the egg cooking competition was making a fire. Easier said then done when you are on snow. Our boys did great.

After the fire got going, the next step was to cook the egg.

The boys couldn't scramble the egg and had to be sure to cook it all the way through. Just as challenging was cooling the egg down afterwards in snow, so it could be eaten... ending the timer.

Flagpole raising competition

The scouts had to lash 2 poles together with the patrol flag, then hold it up with 3-4 stakes and ropes

Mail run competition. The boys had to race around some obstacles and drop off a mail pouch. They had a bit of challenge with the Patrol flag getting caught on the tree as they went around it.

They pulled hard and fast.... so fast that a couple got left behind.

Ice rescue competition. First step was tying 10 six foot ropes together

After the rope was tied, it had to be thrown 40 feet to a scout on the sled, without crossing the line.

It took a few tries. Tristan, being the newest member of the patrol was the lucky scout to be on the sled. He would reach out with his pole and try to catch the end of the rope to pull it in.

Our happy scouts having a good day in the snow

Knot tying competition. They had 8 knots that had to be tied

They were able to successfully tie the bowline, bowline on a bight, square knot, figure eight knot, clove hitch.... but missed the taut line and 2 half-hitch knots.

Log sawing competition

They had to sit on the log to keep it stable while 2 boys sawed

Each scout had to take turns sawing, so they were rotating throughout the event

As soon as one or both scouts got tired, other scouts would switch out.

The boys successfully completed this event and all the other events, just as we ran out of time.The trick was to only pull the saw, never push, and to keep it straight.

Lots of fun sledding on the hill.

It was so slippery that at least one leader took and accidental slide down the hill

Great job Oompa Loompa Patrol!

Congratulations Road Runner Patrol on getting 2nd place overall and lots of placement ribbons!
Happy Scoutmasters with the Road Runner Patrol.

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