Sunday, September 17, 2017

Denny Creek Campout, Hike and Slide, September 2017

Since it was Michael’s farewell campout with us, he got to pick the place.  He wanted to experience the natural water slides at Denny Creek, so Friday we camped at Kachess Lake (Denny Creek campground was full) and hiked up the creek Saturday morning.  It was a perfect day for hiking, and the 60 degree air temp, and significantly lower water temp, worked to keep the riffraff from Seattle from clogging up the water slides.  Indeed, Michael was the only water slider I saw all day.  I brought my water sliding apparel, but with my advanced body weight and the existing water flows, I would have presented a soggy monument to Newton’s First Law of Motion, unable to overcome the forces of gravity and friction.

Frog friend at Kachess Lake

Let the fun begin

Cool guys on cool bridge

Cool guys and cool hollow tree

Looking up

Climbing upstream
Checking our navigational device

Cool guy and cool waterfall

At the top

Later that same day, at Franklin Falls

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