Monday, May 9, 2011

Mt Rainier Visibility

The visibility on this hike was less than ideal. After getting pointed in the right direction, we started hiking. I pulled out my compass just to get readings on where we were going. After a while a cross-country skier passed us who looked like he knew where he was going. We followed him for a while.The skier was too fast for us. His pace was breaking up our group and so we needed to stop to regroup. Here is the back of the group...
and here is the front of the group. We decided that it wasn't wise to do our full hike because of the lack of visibility and still not knowing where the trail was.
During our lunch break, we saw several groups come down the hill. They weren't really taking the same path down. Each group seemed to wander downhill figuring they would find the base. (It is times like this when it is important to have a whistle if you get lost.)
Here is a good example of the visibility, one scout with nothing-ness behind.
During the breaks, the scouts found renewed energy to run around and throw snow balls.

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